Analyze HTTP web logs to see insights on an applications usage patterns over time.

Not sure when the best time to perform a migration cut over is? With Tidal, you have the option to analyze the HTTP web logs associated with your applications.

The analysis will provide relevant insights regarding request volumes, users, and bandwidth usage patterns over time. This information can be taken into account when planning and scheduling the optimal window for the migration.

It is capable of analyzing HTTP logs generated by Apache, IIS, and NGINX.

Perform the analysis

Perform the HTTP log analysis and obtain a PDF report. This is Tidal Tools’ default behaviour. To do so, all you need to do is run the following command.

tidal analyze logs [path/to/log_file]

Alternatively, you can pass the location or even wildcard to analyze multiple HTTP log files. Non-supported files will be skipped.

tidal analyze logs [/path/to/log_folder] [/path/to/other_folder]/*.log

Upload log analysis

If you would like to preserve the log analysis results, you can do so by uploading only the log analysis metadata. This can help track the changes and allow you to easily generate reports.

You can get started by running log analysis:

tidal analyze logs [directory] --json

And upload the produced JSON log analysis result file by using the following command:

tidal analyze logs upload [file] --app-id [app_id_for_your_application]

Converting JSON to PDF reports

If your log anaysis data has been exported to JSON for reusability, or you would like to convert saved data into PDF, you can do so by running:

tidal analyze logs generate [file]

This will convert a JSON result into a PDF report.